The current interest in 60 GHz is related to the fact that the FCC designated the frequencies 57 GHz up to 64 GHz as an unregulated region. This is very conveneneint for WI-FI and short-distance network connector devices, as the high frequency and large bandwidth (7 GHz) enable information transmission rates of up to 25 Gigabytes/second. Insight Product Company LLC. offers sources in this frequency band, including IMPATT diodes (CW and Pulsed) and Backward Wave Oscillator (BWO), frequency synthesizers based a Backward Wave Oscialltor with a Phase Lock-Loop for frequency stabilizaiton, as well as modulators (High Speed Switching Diodes), and is developing a 60 GHz transceiver compact system. 1. 60 GHz CW IMPATT DIODES Insight Product Company offers IMPATT diodes operating around 60 GHz with CW power up to 200 mW. Silicon p+-p-n-n+ IMPATT diodes are designed to be used in the millimeter wave oscillators and amplifiers. They are fabricated in the metal-ruby packages with hard-lead carrier (diameter 3.0 mm, 1.5 mm). CW IMPATT diodes for oscillators and amplifiers:
Schematic of Si IMPATT diode · *Delivery of diodes in pill packages or with carriers of other types is also possible. 2. 60 GHz Pulsed IMPATT DIODES Pulse IMPATT diodes for oscillators and amplifiers:
3. 60 GHz HIGH-SPEED SWITCHING DIODES Insight Product Company offers high-speed switching diodes with switching time up to 2 nsec and operating frequency range up to 140 GHz. Silicon p+-p-n-n+ high-speed switching diodes are designed to be used in mm-wave switching devices, phase changers, modulators, attenuators for the millimeter wavelength range. They are fabricated in the metal-ruby packages with hard-lead carrier (diameter 3.0 mm, 1.5 mm). Specifications
Schematic of fast switching diodes 4. 60 GHz Transceiver
Sketch of 60 GHz Transceiver 5. 60 GHz Backward Wave Oscillator (BWO) Generator Insight Product Company offers a BWO based MM-wave sources of radiation at frequencies from 52 Ghz to 79 Ghz. Each source includes millimeter-wave BWO tube and a specially designed permanent magnet system. BWO tube is installed inside the permanent magnet and does not require any adjustment by the customer. Offered source has the widest band possible, are very reliable, compact sized, powerful and easy to operate. Insight's BWO Generators allow users to control frequency in very wide band and with extremely high speed. MM-wave sources do not require water cooling. Each source require high-voltage 0.4-1.5kV/20-25mA, DC heater voltage 0.9-1.2V/1.5-2.6A and control electrode voltage 100-200V. We also offer specially designed Power Supplies/Sweepers for mm-wave BWO. Specifications:
6. 60 GHz Insight FS, Frequency Synthesizer based on Backward Wave Oscillator (BWO) with Phase Lock-Loop Insight Product Company offers wide band synthesizers of mm-waves, sub-mm waves, and terahertz waves (Insight FS). Insight FS cover frequencies from 36 to 1250 GHz and generate substantial output power. In the millimeter wave range, each synthesizer covers a full waveguide band (Q, U, V, E, W, F, D, G, Y, J). Insight FS provides several options for frequency and amplitude modulation (analog FM/AM modulation, frequency manipulation, pulses modulation). Insight FS are compact in size and controlled by IEEE, analog input, or manually. Typical applications: EPR, NMR/ MRI, Gas spectroscopy, Plasma diagnostics, millimeter and sub millimeter wave network analyzers, heterodyne receivers, Gyrotron experiments etc. Advantages: A. Frequency & Output Power
B. Frequency stability: C. Control and Programming: D. Modulation & Manipulation: Contact:
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