THz and Millimeter-Wave Ultra-Fast Sweepers from 36 GHz to 1250 GHz |
Insight Product Company introduces a family of Ultra-fast wide band Sweepers
of millimeter and terahertz waves (Insight Sweepers). Insight Sweepers cover frequencies
from 36 to 1250 GHz and generate substantial output power.
In the millimeter wave range, each sweeper covers a full waveguide
band (Q, U, V, E, W, F, D, G, Y, J). Insight Sweepers are compact in size
and controlled by computer via GPIB port.
Typical applications:
EPR, NMR/ MRI, Gas spectroscopy, Plasma diagnostics, millimeter
and sub-millimeter wave network analyzers, heterodyne receivers, Gyrotron
experiments etc.
-Ultra-fast sweeping of pre-defined frequency range
-High output power
-Wide tunability
-Ease of control and operation
-High reliability
1. Frequency & Output Power
Frequency, GHz |
36-55 |
52-79 |
78-118 |
129-143 |
140-178 |
118-178 |
179-263 |
258-375 |
370-535 |
526-714 |
667-857 |
789-968 |
882-1111 |
1034-1250 |
Typical Output Power, mW |
20-80 |
20-80 |
20-80 |
20-80 |
20-80 |
20-50 |
10-30 |
10-20 |
4-15 |
4-15 |
4-15 |
3-8 |
2-8 |
0.5-2 |
2. Sweep parameters:
Minimal sweep increment: 1 GHz
Typical 1 GHz Sweep time: 2.5 microseconds
3. Control and Programming:
Beginning point and end point of sweep range defined by computer via GPIB port.
E-mail: | |
Phone: |
(617) 965-8151 |